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Tuesday, November 23, 2021

10 Most DANGEROUS ROADS In The World


10 Most DANGEROUS ROADS In The World

1 Atlantic road NorwayAre you scared of rollercoasters well believe it or not this road located in Norway has such serpentine twists that you'll feel like you're on the most extreme rights. At over 5.2 miles long the so called Atlanta Hobbs Lyon road runs across a group of islets connecting the towns of Kristen Stewart and mold and it's made up of 7 bridges that can twist into impressive shapes what makes this route so dangerous is the famous Dorsey soon that bridge whose deep curve reaches 75.4 feet above the sea and we're weather adversity such as strong winds and violent waves can take everything in its path despite all this it's the second most visited destination in the country and was named the Norwegian construction of the century in 2005. 

2 Zojila pass India. Any road in the highest mountain range in the world he's definitely one of the most dangerous right so G. love pass connects the towns of Sri nagar in late in the Himalayas in India it's 5.6 mile links makes it one of the most difficult roads to travel there are no traffic signs along the zigzagging road plus stone unturned landslides ongoing problem. Source not to mention it rises over 11000 feet high with no asphalt. It isn't hard to imagine that Zojila pass is a place of multiple accidents in 2009 350 people were stranded on the road due to heavy snowfall and in 201211 tourists were killed when the vehicle they were travelling in fell into a deep gorge. 

 3 sails past Chile to Argentina. This incredible yet dangerous road is located in the end the the winding route of snails pass reaches 12000 700 95 feet above sea level connecting Argentina and Chile also known as posso de Los lever to Doris it's sharp curves and twisting road have made it famous among haul truck drivers especially heavy trucks in 2019 a truck almost fell into a curve but managed to control the vehicle entrance cabin so as to not fall into the void impressive however what makes a truly dangerous I would start to weigh curves which is why head on collisions are pretty common. But that's not all the worst time is during winter as snow and ice sometimes make the descent and ascent have tragic and fatal lending. 

 4 Rohtang pass India. If you are really fearful perhaps you should never go down this road since its name literally means pile of corpses. On this route the view is full of natural beauty and extraordinary landscapes with imposing mountains and dazzling glaciers but this is exactly why it's among the most dangerous in the world. Located in the Himalayas it's a part of the route that connects Manali with the Buddhist city of late in India and it's known that throughout history many people lost their lives trying to cross it as it becomes dangerous due to snow storms unpredictable blizzards and landslides caused by bad weather. Besides although it's 13000 feet above sea level and traffic is restricted from June to October it's one of the busiest especially by tourists yes some people like a drenalin.

5 Dalton highway Alaska. Considered one of the most dangerous in North America the Dalton highway covers 414 miles of extreme in on settling wrote and although its official name is Alaska route 11 it's known after the name of famous engineer James Dalton what makes it so dangerous well it runs from the inside of the country to almost the Arctic Ocean and much of the road isn't paved the road is great and then all the sudden just it's like the end of the world this makes extreme temperatures ice fog in blizzards a major problem for drivers but that's not all as there are only 3 nearby towns along the way which makes drivers uncertain since they could literally get stranded in the middle of nowhere how is scary this highway is so dangerous that the reality TV show ice road truckers aired episode showing how difficult it is for oil trucks to cross this primitive and deadly road. 

6 goalie ang tunnel road China. If you are an expert behind the wheel never cross this roadway since it's called the road that does not tolerate mistakes despite being only point 75 miles along this route is built on 1 of the highest mountains in China at 2000 feet above sea level this time it was built to connect the town of goalie and to the rest of China in 1972 but it's only 13 feet wide and many parts of the path either on paved or in bad condition do you still think you could cross this total well let me tell you that most accidents have been reported in rainy seasons besides the cliff lack of barriers extreme fog and rocks and mud landslides could be the final destination of careless driver.

7 plus size to block France. Now you see IT now you don't despite spending only 2.7 miles long this road located in France which links the island of normalcy aid to the French mainland could make you drown behind the wheel when the tide rises the Atlantic Ocean can submerge everything in its path up to 3.9 miles below the surface hence why all along the way there are signs and panels warning you that you can only cross for a few hours during the day but don't be a Smarty pants if you try to beat nature you might lose your life as this road is unsupervised unfortunately many tourists and drivers get stuck on the road and although in many cases they managed to survive the same can't be said about the car so if you plan a trip to France and you enjoy the drenalin rush you can not miss out on this wonderful marine landscape. 

8 north youngest road the road of death Bolivia. Would  you drive on a route nicknamed the road of death this road is 49.7 miles long and connects the past with the town of coral echo in the youngest region of Bolivia plus it blows away locals and tourists with its over 200 sharp turns along the way and it's elevation of 15256 feet above sea level. Until 2018 alone over 300 deaths a year reported do the 1 fortunate accidents such as falling off a cliff or crashing down into a ravine all this is caused by the fact that the road only has 1 lane for each direction it has no guard rails are barriers along the cliff and most vehicles are large trucks and buses due to its danger a part of the path remains currently closed and has become an exclusive route for cyclists would you dare to drive there. 

 9 karaka ram highway  Pakistan to China although it's known as the friendship highway let's acknowledge that it is not very friendly. This route ranges 810 miles long between the countries of Pakistan and China due to its great scenic appeal it's sometimes considered the eighth wonder of the world is it an exaggeration to say that don't be fooled by this as it runs through the most mountainous region of the world and it's highly risky to cross the most common dangers that drivers experience are rockfalls landslides avalanches and floods especially in the summer season when it often rains 1 of the last recorded a fatal accidents happen in 2018 when a passenger bus fell into a ravine on the highway to the Indus river sadly 17 people died. Impressed by these dangerous highways don't move as you're about to see the next road and have your hair stand on end. 

 10 skipper's canyon road New Zealand. How dangerous is this highway to determine this you should know that insurance companies don't cover damage caused while driving there and car rental companies for bed it does that give you an idea of the skipper's canyon road is 16.5 miles long and it's reduced full of unevenness and narrow unpaved sections but worst of all it's a 2 way road. All this makes it very common for cars to rush down into the ravine this group was created to transport gold in the nineteenth century and believe it or not it's currently safer than the original track. Although it was initially closed it keeps claiming approximately hundreds of lives each year but as usual on these type of roots weather conditions also have a lot to do with this the strong winds and falling rocks make the beautiful landscape it offers to look terrifying behind the wheel. Today it's frequented by tour buses and adventure companies they're truly brave. There's no doubt that the combination of nature in engineering achieve the weirdest and most terrifying forms.

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